A Christmas Story Movie Night

Every year, we love watching “A Christmas Story,” and it’s become a beloved part of our holiday celebrations. Our son James watched it for the first time last year and loved it! A Christmas Story” is a timeless heartwarming classic about the magic of Christmas, as seen through the Parker family’s quest for holiday joy and Ralphie’s desire for the Red Ryder BB gun.

Elevate your “A Christmas Story” movie night with a menu that captures the essence of the film. Cmenu

Menu ideas:

  1. Chinese Takeout: Just like the Parker family’s visit to the local Chinese restaurant in the movie, order a selection of classic Chinese takeout dishes.
  2. Retro Snack Spread: Create a retro-inspired snack spread that goes with the 1940s setting of the film. Serve classic snacks like deviled eggs, cocktail sausages wrapped in bacon, and also a cheese ball with crackers.
  3. Festive Dessert Buffet: Keep the main course simple and opt for a festive dessert buffet. Offer an array of Christmas-themed sweets such as sugar cookies decorated with colorful icing, gingerbread men, and peppermint bark. Complement these treats with a hot chocolate station featuring various toppings like whipped cream, mini marshmallows, and chocolate shavings.


  1. Leg Lamp Tribute: Create a centerpiece by replicating the iconic leg lamp featured in the movie. Position it proudly in the room’s focal point, just like “The Old Man” does in the film.
  2. Retro Christmas Tree: Decorate a tabletop Christmas tree with a 1940s vibe. You can also use vintage-style ornaments, string lights, and tinsel to capture the era’s charm. For a personal touch, have the kids make paper chains to hang on the tree.
  3. Christmas Story Photo Booth: Set up a DIY photo booth corner with props and backdrops inspired by the movie. Additionally, include items like pink bunny ears, and and oversized glasses, allowing your family to have some festive fun and capture memorable moments.

With these specific menu and decoration ideas, your “A Christmas Story” movie night will be a memorable and immersive experience for your family. Enjoy the heartwarming film, delicious food, and the festive decorations, making this Christmas tradition even more special.


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